Providing personalized breastfeeding
support for all concerns:

Sore nipples, insufficient milk supply, engorgement, latching,
alternative feeding methods,  nipple trauma.


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Catherine is an experienced International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) providing professional breastfeeding management. Care plans are based on individual needs and preferences.



Lactation care offered where and when you need it. Home visits, in clinic, prenatal group settings, hospital bedside, phone, text/WhatsApp, virtual consults and email are all available options. From prenatal breastfeeding preparation all the way through the weaning process.



Care addresses common to severe concerns, from engorgement and milk production, to latching
pain and ankyloglossia. Catherine will provide continuous follow-up until you are meeting your breastfeeding goals. 


"Catherine was incredible at giving me much needed support and information during a really tough period. And being able to follow up with her whenever I needed to has been so helpful."

- Camellia


"Nursing has become such a special time for us. It took 16 weeks to get her gaining weight and nursing without a shield, but the perseverance paid off and I wouldn't have had the confidence to continue without your support and guidance."

- Cody


"My family and I are forever grateful for her unwavering support. Now that we've moved back to Dubai, the whole family truly misses Catherine." 

- Mona